Mukesh Ambani's party for designer duo Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla's book launch saw a record turnout from Bollywood. The party took place inside the Ambanis' home, 'Antilla'.
While everybody from the Bachchans to the Roshans was present to lend their support, Saif Ali Khan's daughter Sara - one of the people who feature in the book - made her fashionable debut for the filmi set.
She led a bevy of models at the show, walking down the ramp at the spectacular Ambani stairway in the designer duo Abu-Sandeep creations.
The star kid looked all grown up in an intricate multi-coloured lehenga as she walked down the stairs. Quite a long way from this little girl
There were reports of her being flooded with movie offers when she made it to the cover of Hello magazine along with mum Amrita Singh a while ago.
Recently Sara's mom Amrita Singh refuted rumors that her Daughter was all set to make her debut in a Yash Raj Production
While everybody from the Bachchans to the Roshans was present to lend their support, Saif Ali Khan's daughter Sara - one of the people who feature in the book - made her fashionable debut for the filmi set.
Saif Ali Khan's daughter Sara's Pictures at Mukesh Ambani's party for designer duo Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla's book launch
Saif Ali Khan's daughter Sara at Mukesh Ambani's Party For Abu-Sandeep Book Launch
Saif Ali Khan's Daughter Sara Ali Khan (extreme left) at The Ramp show at Ambanis' Home For the Launch of Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla's Book
Saif Ali Khan's daughter Sara at Mukesh Ambani's Party For Abu-Sandeep Book Launch
Saif Ali Khan's Daughter Sara Ali Khan (extreme left) at The Ramp show at Ambanis' Home For the Launch of Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla's Book
She led a bevy of models at the show, walking down the ramp at the spectacular Ambani stairway in the designer duo Abu-Sandeep creations.
The star kid looked all grown up in an intricate multi-coloured lehenga as she walked down the stairs. Quite a long way from this little girl
There were reports of her being flooded with movie offers when she made it to the cover of Hello magazine along with mum Amrita Singh a while ago.
Recently Sara's mom Amrita Singh refuted rumors that her Daughter was all set to make her debut in a Yash Raj Production
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so niceeeeeeeeeeeeee.