Karishma Kapoor was spotted with her kids Samaira Kapur and Kiaan Raj Kapur at the airport on her way to sister Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan's high profile Dawat-E-Walima (Reception) which was organised at Delhi on Oct 18, 2012.
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Pictures of Karisma Kapoor With Children-Daughter Samaira Kapur and Son Kiaan Raj Kapur at the Airport
Karishma Kapoor with her Kids Samaira Kapur and Kiaan Raj Kapur at the Airport
Karishma Kapoor with her kids Samaira and Kiaan Raj
Karishma Kapoor with her Children Samaira and Kiaan Raj at the Airport
Karisma Kapoor with Children Kiaan Raj Kapur and Samaira Kapur
Karishma Kapoor with Daughter Samaira and Son Kiaan Raj Kapur at the Airport
Karishma Kapoor's Mother Babita at the Airport
Karishma Kapoor with her Kids Samaira Kapur and Kiaan Raj Kapur at the Airport
Karishma Kapoor with her kids Samaira and Kiaan Raj
Karishma Kapoor with her Children Samaira and Kiaan Raj at the Airport
Karisma Kapoor with Children Kiaan Raj Kapur and Samaira Kapur
Karishma Kapoor with Daughter Samaira and Son Kiaan Raj Kapur at the Airport
Karishma Kapoor's Mother Babita at the Airport
Click For More Karishma Kapoor Children Pictures and News
The girl looks like her dad but the cutie boy looks like his mum
ReplyDeleteThanks Admin.