Akshay Kumar and his pregnant wife Twinkle Khanna with their nine-year-old son Aarav were at a Juhu multiplex catching up on the recent Hollywood release 'MIB 3' on Wednesday (30th May 2012) evening. Sajid Nadiadwala's Son Subhaan also accompanied them.
Twinkle Khanna who is pregnant, had been missing from the scene for some time now. Recently Akshay had admitted that she is pregnant and that his 9-year old son Aarav was looking forward to a sibling. "Aarav is too happy now as he will have a sibling at home", Akshay had said.
Below are pictures of the pregnant Twinkle Khanna with her Son Aarav and husband Akshay Kumar.
Twinkle Khanna who is pregnant, had been missing from the scene for some time now. Recently Akshay had admitted that she is pregnant and that his 9-year old son Aarav was looking forward to a sibling. "Aarav is too happy now as he will have a sibling at home", Akshay had said.
Below are pictures of the pregnant Twinkle Khanna with her Son Aarav and husband Akshay Kumar.
Pregnant Twinkle Khanna With Son Aarav Arriving at a Multiplex
Akshay Kumar's Son Aarav Bhatia at a PVR Multiplex
Aarav Bhatia with Mom Twinkle Khanna
Akshay Kumar at a Juhu multiplex Where he Watched the Hollywood Film 'MIB 3' with his wife Twinkle and Son Aarav on Wednesday, 30th May 2012
Twinkle Khanna With Sajid Nadiadwala's Son Subhaan.
Twinkle Khanna Pregnant Pic
Akshay Kumar's Son Aarav Bhatia at a PVR Multiplex
Aarav Bhatia with Mom Twinkle Khanna
Akshay Kumar at a Juhu multiplex Where he Watched the Hollywood Film 'MIB 3' with his wife Twinkle and Son Aarav on Wednesday, 30th May 2012
Twinkle Khanna With Sajid Nadiadwala's Son Subhaan.
Twinkle Khanna Pregnant Pic
wonderful fmly... :)
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