Priyanka Chopra's Cousin Parineeti Chopra is Yash Raj films’ new discovery. She makes her debut in Ladies Vs Ricky Bahl. The film stars Ranveer Singh and Anushka Sharma in the lead roles and is directed by Maneesh Sharma (of Band Baaja Baraat fame).
Parineeti has been with YRF for over a year in the marketing department. Given a one-off chance to audition for the film, she impressed both Maneesh and Aditya Chopra and was immediately cast for a role as one of the ladies who fall prey to the smooth-talking guile of Ricky Bahl. “I think Parineeti was phenomenal in her video test. I had no doubts that I wanted her in my film. In fact, when I worked on the script, I had her at the back of my mind, having interacted with her while she was in office,” said Maneesh Sharma.
Priyanka had told reporters at a promotional event of her film '7 Khoon Maaf', 'Pariniti is my sister. Today only she has signed a film with YRF. I am very happy that YRF signed her, She works with YRF's marketing department. In fact, she worked as PR for my film with YRF'
Paraneeti writes on twitter: 'Guyssss!! The BIGGEST news!! I am being launched by Yash Raj Films as their new talent and I'm signing a 3 film deal!!!!!!!!! :D :D I am so so soooo excited to be signing 3 films with YRF, and hope all goes well with me :) :)Thank u to alll those who have wishing me well, My first film - Maneesh's Sharma's "ladies vs ricky bahl" with Ranveer and Anushka!!'
Parineeti has been with YRF for over a year in the marketing department. Given a one-off chance to audition for the film, she impressed both Maneesh and Aditya Chopra and was immediately cast for a role as one of the ladies who fall prey to the smooth-talking guile of Ricky Bahl. “I think Parineeti was phenomenal in her video test. I had no doubts that I wanted her in my film. In fact, when I worked on the script, I had her at the back of my mind, having interacted with her while she was in office,” said Maneesh Sharma.
Parineeti Chopra, Priyanka Chopra's Cousin Sister
Priyanka Chopra's Cousin Parineeti Chopra (R)
Priyanka Chopra With Cousin Sister Parineeti Chopra
Priyanka Chopra's Cousin Parineeti Chopra (R)
Priyanka Chopra With Cousin Sister Parineeti Chopra
Priyanka had told reporters at a promotional event of her film '7 Khoon Maaf', 'Pariniti is my sister. Today only she has signed a film with YRF. I am very happy that YRF signed her, She works with YRF's marketing department. In fact, she worked as PR for my film with YRF'
Paraneeti writes on twitter: 'Guyssss!! The BIGGEST news!! I am being launched by Yash Raj Films as their new talent and I'm signing a 3 film deal!!!!!!!!! :D :D I am so so soooo excited to be signing 3 films with YRF, and hope all goes well with me :) :)Thank u to alll those who have wishing me well, My first film - Maneesh's Sharma's "ladies vs ricky bahl" with Ranveer and Anushka!!'
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