Akshay Kumar and wife Tina (Twinkle Khanna) had a grand birthday bash for their son Aarav's eighth birthday, on September 15, at a friend's hotel. They even bought him a set of drums as Aarav wants to be a drummer and have his own band when he grows up.
Says a source close to the family, "It's a known fact that Akshay never works on Aarav's birthday and makes sure all his appointments and shoots are scheduled for other days.
Akki and Tina plan out Aarav's birthday party to the minutest detail. On Wednesday, he organised a special pool party for Aarav at his friend's hotel in the suburbs."
Junior received a special gift from his folks. "Aarav loves music and wants to have his own band when he grows up.
He wants to be a drummer. He plays very well for a child, so Akshay and Twinkle decided to gift him a top-of-the-line drum set this year," adds the source
The source continues, "Akshay and Twinkle always encourage Aarav to follow his heart and do what he feels.
They don't feel they should choose his profession for him. If Aarav really wants to form a rock band, his parents will support him in any way they can."
Says a source close to the family, "It's a known fact that Akshay never works on Aarav's birthday and makes sure all his appointments and shoots are scheduled for other days.
Akki and Tina plan out Aarav's birthday party to the minutest detail. On Wednesday, he organised a special pool party for Aarav at his friend's hotel in the suburbs."
Junior received a special gift from his folks. "Aarav loves music and wants to have his own band when he grows up.
He wants to be a drummer. He plays very well for a child, so Akshay and Twinkle decided to gift him a top-of-the-line drum set this year," adds the source
The source continues, "Akshay and Twinkle always encourage Aarav to follow his heart and do what he feels.
They don't feel they should choose his profession for him. If Aarav really wants to form a rock band, his parents will support him in any way they can."
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