Monday, June 30, 2008

Maria Goretti talks about her Son Zeke Zidaan

Maria Goretti: Life is about changing Dipers

Maria Goretti. Model. Dancer. Veejay. Actress.
Now, she has another career: Full-time mom!
She spoke to Get Ahead about her son, parenting and her somewhat new status as a mother.
The centre of attention, of course, is Zeke Zidaan, her three-month old baby boy.
She says she has no idea why her husband, actor Arshad Warsi, and she named their son Zeke.
All it took, she says, is a search on the Internet, learning that Zeke means 'shooting star', and falling in love with the name!

Zeke is a very, very cute little fellow - a beautiful baby boy. He is adorable.
He was born on August 7. He is a Leo baby and a fire sign, like Arshad and me.
He lies around gurgling the whole day.
Oh yes, he lies around in diapers made by my sister's mother-in-law. My sister had a child just a month before I did.
All Zeke needs are his nappies and a towel to wipe his mouth. No other clothes. All his clothes are lying in the cupboard.
He has a simple schedule. He wakes up at 8 am. Then he has his milk and goes back to sleep.
At 9.30 am, he has his massage and a bath.
I am told that after a massage, a baby goes to sleep. But this boy is full of beans after a massage.
He looks around and stares at everyone.
So I dance around and entertain him.
I remember once, Arshad got home from work and saw me dance for Zeke and thought I had gone mad.
But Zeke is just so cute.

Zeke doesn't get up in the middle of the night. He's pretty much a good child.
He is not a hassle at all.
I can't make out which of us he likes better because he welcomes everyone with a smile and a gurgle.
I think that's why I don't feel like a mother.
But I am enjoying motherhood. I would still say I don't know what it is to feel like a mum.
I am the same I have been. Only now, I have this little bundle of joy to look after and play with.
Maybe the feeling of motherhood will come a little later.
For now, Zeke is my entertainment channel and I am his. I put on the radio and he gurgles back at it.
Nowadays, he sees me talk, and talks back to me. If I am on the phone, he thinks I am talking to him and he talks back.

After my delivery, I was very ill for a week.
It was Arshad who looked after both of us.
Right now, though, Arshad is hardly at home. He is very busy working.
Zeke is usually asleep when Arshad leaves in the morning, and again when he returns in the evening.
There is always something new that Zeke does that Arshad doesn't get to see. So I feel a little bad about that.
I think I will accompany him to shoots so they spend some time together.

For now, Zeke is at a stage where he responds to my voice.
But he does assert himself. He lets me know when he wants something.
We have a couple of dogs who are so sweet to Zeke. They lick his feet and just sit around or run under the bed, so they are not asked to get out of the room.
Zeke is very used to them.
As for me, I am very happy and content. I couldn't ask for anything more.
I look after Zeke morning to night, and I am very thrilled about that.
My friends tell me that, after a while, I will want to get back to work. That this is just a phase.
I don't know. Right now, Zeke really needs me.

Source: Rediff
Dated: 2007

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